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Public Consultations

The following information outlines the consultation process within Brandon School Division.  Please see Administrative Procedure 1020 for further details. 

Definition of Consultation:

  • Consultation is a process that involves interaction between decision-makers and those affected by the decisions.
  • It promotes a two-way flow of information and ideas to arrive at better solutions.
  • It supports more effective implementation of policy and programs.
  • The process will optimize the opportunity for educational and community partners to provide input within the established timeframe.

Criteria for Consultation: 

  • The Board of Trustees or the Division undertakes consultation if and when: 
    • the constituency may be affected significantly by the decision;
    • the decision may be controversial;
    • the decision-making process could benefit from a widespread exchange of information;
    • the required decision is value based and/or subjective in nature.

Goals of the Consultation Process:

  • To stay focused on the best interests of the students.
  • For all parties to understand the processes and have a basic commitment to them.
  • To commence the process when the issue or matter being considered is identified.
  • Promote trust and open-mindedness.

What the Brandon School Division Board of Trustees hopes to gain through the consultation process:

  • Advice.
  • Two-way communication.
  • Joint ownership.
  • Enhanced solutions, goals and policy directions.
  • Channel the maximum number of interests into a common direction. 

Communication Prior/During/Post-Consultation:

  • Provide specific timelines showing each stage of the process.
  • Detail limitations on the process in both scope and time.
  • The consultation process to be utilized.
  • Background information that is timely and comprehensive (website and news media).
  • Opportunities provided for input, feedback, and dialogue.

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