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  • Just a reminder that hats/toques/hoods are not to be worn in the school. Backpacks and jackets are to be kept in your locker and lockers are to be locked at all times!
  • Reminder that we are a scent free school. Please refrain from using perfumes, colognes, or other highly scented products. 

Upcoming Events

  • Picture Day is Thursday, September 12th! Forms will be handed out on the first day of school. 
  • Open House is scheduled for Thursday, September 19th! More information will be shared soon!!
  • If you are 17 or older and interested in donating blood, a 'blood bus' will be transporting a group from Neelin to donate blood on Thursday, September 26th.  If you are interested in donating blood with us, please sign your name on the form located on the door of room 2 and take a permission form. Forms to be returned to Mrs. Mashinter.

  • With orange shirt day coming up, Neelin is selling our very own orange shirts for $16! During lunch throughout this week (Sept 9 – 13) we (SRC) will be set up in the canteen so come down then for more info! 

  • Students from last year's Art and English with Ms. Leach should come by the art room to pick up projects, canvases and dioramas before September 27th, please.

  • The 2023/2024 yearbook has arrived! If you ordered a yearbook last year, please go to room 22 at lunch to collect your copy.


Extra Curricular

  • There will be a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Major Pro) information meeting on Wednesday, September 11 at 12:20 in the Theatre. Anyone interested in being part of the show in any way please attend!! 
  • SRC applications are open for the grade 9s and Indigenous Reps! Check the link in your grade group Teams to apply, applications close on Sept 18th!
  • YIP meeting at lunch in Room 33 (D. Fontaine), all members and everyone interested, please attend.



Punch cards are available for $20 (cash or cheque). See Mrs. Meek in the front office or Mrs. Lair in the canteen if you would like to purchase one. 

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