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Fair Day March 4th!

fair day

Fair Day is back, and will be happening at Waverly Park School on Tuesday, March 4th!  Students in grades 1-8 are welcome to participate,  but not required to.  All projects are to be completed at home under parental supervision.  Projects are to be brought to school and set up in the gym between 8:20-8:40a.m. on Fair Day. 

The 4 fairs offered this year are: 

1.     Science Fair – this fair is judged. Projects selected by the judges will be eligible to move onto the Western Manitoba Science Fair. Projects must follow the scientific process.

2.     Visual Art Fair – this is a project that allows students to share their artistic talents (paint, draw, sculpt, etc).  

3.      Discovery Fair – this is a project about any topic that is of interest to a student.  It may include simple research; it may be an invention, or it may be a collection of items that they would like to share. 

4.      Historica – this is a project with a Canadian Theme. 

***Visual Art, Discovery and Historica fairs are NOT judged and are done just for fun! 

Information is being sent home to each student on Monday, January 13th. 

Entry Forms are due into the office by February 14th. 

Fair Day Schedule

Tuesday, March 4th
Set Up: 8:20-8:40 am
Judging: 8:45 -11:00
School Viewing: 11:00 - 3:00 
Public Viewing: 12:00 - 3:00 
Project take down and removal: 3:20 

Fair Day Guidelines.pdf

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