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Parent volunteers are essential to providing positive and meaningful band-related opportunities for students in Brandon. There are three main ways to volunteer: on the board of BSIMA, on the parent executive of the BWMSB, and directly supporting special activities that happen throughout the year. Please read the volunteer descriptions below for more information. 

We are so thankful for all parents who choose to donate their time, energy, and skills to support students!

BWMSB – The Brandon West Middle Schools Band program is housed at Waverly Park School and involves grade 7 and 8 students from most of the division’s K-8 schools. The program directors are Mr. Cramer and Ms. Friesen. This board of West side parent volunteers typically meets monthly 7 or 8 times a year.

BSIMA – The Brandon Schools Instrumental Music Association is a parent volunteer organization that oversees the instrument inventory and supports all four of BSD’s band programs. The board, which is comprised of an executive, band program representatives, and band directors, typically meets monthly 7 or 8 times a year.

President (BSIMA) - As the President of BSIMA, you will preside over the BSIMA Executive meetings, the Monthly meetings, the Annual General Meeting and special meetings.  The President shall sign contracts and documents that require his/her signature and shall have such powers and duties as may from time to time be assigned to him/her by the Board of Representatives or as are incidents to the office.  The President shall have cheque signing authority. The term for the position of President is a two (2) year term.

Financial Officer (BSIMA) - shall oversee the finances of BSIMA.  The Administrative Officer will report on the finances of BSIMA on a monthly basis to the Financial Officer, who will report on to the BSIMA board. The Financial Officer shall sign contracts and documents that require his/her signature and shall have such powers and duties as may from time to time be assigned to him/her by the Board of Representatives or as are incidents to the office.  The Financial Officer shall have cheque signing authority. The term for the position of Financial Officer is a two (2) year term.

Treasurer (BWMSB) – Reconcile monthly bank statements, provide a monthly and year-end financial report, make bank deposits as needed, and sign cheques as needed. 

Communications Officer (BSIMA) - will work with the Administrative Officer to ensure that BSIMA is known and well-received in the community.  Requests for interviews will be brought to the attention of the Communications Officer by the Administrative Officer.  Any promotional material for events will be coordinated by the Communications Officer. The Communications Officer will report to the Board on a monthly basis on any promotion that has been done, any requests for interviews, or comments that have been received. The term for the position of Communications Officer is a one (1) year term.

Secretary (BWMSB) – take minutes at all meetings and send out a copy by email when completed.

Volunteer Coordinator - responsible for the recruitment of volunteers required for the different events as/if needed (ie. tear down crew for concerts).

Program Representative – act as the “conduit” between BSIMA and the Band Program.  You will report on the activities the Band Program has been doing to BSIMA and on what BSIMA has been doing to the Band Program. The term for the position of Program Representative is a one (1) year term.

School Rep (BWMSB) – attend monthly board meetings as able (voting, information, sub committees). 

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