Have A Safe & Happy Halloween!
BOO! Halloween is a spooktacular time for kids and grown-ups alike, and we want to give a little ghostly nudge to keep everyone on their toes while the little ghouls are out trick-or-treating!
- Take your children trick-or-treating in your own neighborhood.
- Review safety rules about crossing streets:
- Look all ways before crossing the street;
- Never cross between parked cars;
- Always walk – never run – across the street;
- Visit https://youtu.be/flv4hzJyGec for a quick Halloween Road Safety Video from Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI).
- Wear reflective clothing/costumes with light or bright coloured material and carry a flashlight.
- Don't let a mask obstruct your child's vision, use face makeup instead.
- If you're wearing a costume, make sure it fits properly so you don't trip and fall.
- Only go to homes that have lights on and don’t go inside anyone’s home.
- Be aware of your surroundings and stay with your group of friends.
- Children should not eat or drink any candy or food until they arrive home and have their treats checked by an adult.
It is also important for drivers to channel their inner hawk and watch out for those pint-sized ghouls and goblins on the streets! Here are some more spooktacular tips to keep in your back pocket:
- Slow down: Children may be excited and not paying attention to their surroundings. Slow down and be prepared to stop suddenly.
- Stay alert: Watch out for children who may dart out from between parked cars or cross the street unexpectedly.
- Use your headlights: Keep your headlights on, even during the daylight hours, to make your vehicle more visible.
- Avoid distractions: Put away your phone and other distractions while driving. Stay focused on the road and your surroundings.
- Be patient: Halloween is a festive time, but it can also be hectic. Be patient and give yourself extra time to get to your destination.