Student Transportation

Brandon School Division is pleased to offer parents a new way to view their child's school bus information called Versatrans E-Link.
Versatrans E-Link provides parents/guardians with secure access to their student's Bus Route information. This information is updated in real time and reflects what is in our routing program. Routes have the potential to change during the year, and this system will allow parents access to the latest information in real-time!
If your child is eligible for transportation, please ensure that you check your email for instructions. If you have not received an email with these instructions, please contact:
BSD Transportation Office
800 Richmond Avenue East, Brandon, Manitoba R7A 7T8
Telephone: 204-729-3975 Email:
A Reminder to Parents/Guardians of Bus Students:
Please remember to contact the Transportation Office if your child will be absent from riding the bus. Parents may communicate by either calling 204-729-3975 or by sending a note with the student for their driver. Please also contact the Transportation Office if a bus student's contact information has changed or if other pick-up/drop-off arrangements are being made.
Should you have any questions related to your child's transportation, please contact:
Brandon School Division Facilities & Transportation Office
Regular Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
800 Richmond Avenue East, Brandon, Manitoba R7A 7T8
Telephone: 204-729-3975 Fax: 204-729-3981