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General Registration - Elementary

To register during the school year, you are requested to appear at your nearest neighbourhood school. Assistance with school identification is available using School Locator or by contacting our Transportation Office, 204-729-3975.

When you enroll your child/children, you must provide the school with documentation that verifies information such as legal name(s) and date of birth.  One of the following documents may be used:

  • Certificate of Birth  
  • Baptismal Certificate
  • Certificate of Live Birth
  • Permanent Residency Document
  • Passport or Landed Immigrant Card
  • A Manitoba Health Card may be used as an interim document in cases where one of the above accepted documents is not available. Parents are advised to produce one of the accepted documents as soon as possible. 

Proof of residency will also be required at the time of registration, you must provide the school with documentation that verifies this information.  One of the following documents may be used: 

  • Custodial Parent's Driver's Licence; 
  • Most Recent Property Tax Statement; or 
  • Current Tenancy Agreement.


School Catchment Areas
Kindergarten to Grade 6 students are requested to enroll at their neighbourhood school. At the Grade 7 and 8 level boundaries are in effect. K-8 French Immersion is offered at École New Era School in Brandon and K-4 French Immersion at École O'Kelly School at CFB Shilo. Single track French Immersion is available at École Harrison School in Brandon.

Grade 9 - 12 French Immersion is offered at École secondaire Neelin High School, Brandon. Grade 9 - 12 Vocational programming is offered at Crocus Plains Regional Secondary School.

Division Boundaries:  
The Brandon School Division encompasses the entire City of Brandon, CFB Shilo and part of each of the following municipalities: Cornwallis, Daly, Elton, Oakland, North Cypress, South Cypress, Whitehead.

It is necessary to know the Section, Township & Range to determine if property outside the City limits is within the boundaries of the Brandon School Division. This can be checked by phoning the appropriate Municipal Office for details.

Transportation of Students Inside Brandon City Limits:
Grades K-6 students living within the City and having more than 1.6 kilometers to walk in order to reach the designated school attended shall be provided with school bus transportation service.
Grades 7-12 students living within the City and having more than 2.4 kilometers to walk in order to reach the designated school attended shall be provided with school bus transportation service.

Transportation of Students Outside Brandon City Limits: 
Students residing more than one mile from school are eligible for transportation to and from school.

For further details regarding eligibility for transportation please contact:  

BSD Transportation Office
Phone: 204-729-3975 Email:

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