Transportation and School Alerts

When there is the possibility of inclement weather, school closures or transportation notices, an Alert Notice will appear on the top of the home page of our website at and our social media channels. Local media outlets will also be provided with detailed information.
The Brandon School Division's Supervisor of Transportation is in contact with local municipal offices and, after surveying the bus routes, any necessary decisions are made by 6:30 am.
Brandon School Division's first priority is always the safety of our students. Therefore, if a decision is made to cancel bus service or close a school, we will notify local media outlets prior to 7:00 am to advise which buses have been cancelled, which buses (if any) will be operating, and whether any of our schools are closed. An automated phone call will be also sent out to each affected family as soon as possible.
Our BSD website and social media accounts will also provide current transportation information.
Should you have any questions, please contact your child's school or our Transportation Office:
Brandon School Division Facilities & Transportation Office
Regular Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
800 Richmond Avenue East, Brandon, Manitoba R7A 7T8
Telephone: 204-729-3975 Fax: 204-729-3981