Admin Procedures
Click on the links below to view the individual Administrative Procedures.
1000 Series - Foundations and Commitments
2000 Series - General Administration
2005 - Student Code of Conduct.pdf
2015 - Communications - Media Relations.pdf
2020 - Communications - School Messenger.pdf
2025 - Development of Educational Support Materials (Print, Non-Print and Computer Software).pdf
2030 - Distribution of Materials in Schools.pdf
2035 - External and Internal Media Use of Images and Recordings.pdf
2040 - Gideon Bible Distribution.pdf
2045 - Information and Communication Technologies.pdf
2050 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Use by Staff.pdf
2055 - Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Use by Students.pdf
2057 - Allocation of Division Computer Equipment.pdf
2075 - Records Management - Protection of Personal Health Information of Employees.pdf
2080 - Records Management - Protection of Personal Health Information of Students.pdf
2085 - Records Management - Protection of Personal Information of Employees.pdf
2090 - Records Management - Protection of Personal Information of Students.pdf
2095 - Records Retention and Disposition.pdf
2105 - Scent Controlled Facilities.pdf
2120 - School Closure Due to Inclement Weather.pdf
2125 - Social Media and Third-Party Educational Applications.pdf
2135 - Smoke and Vapour Free Environments.pdf
2140 - Use of Personal Mobile Devices by Employees, Trustees, Parents, Volunteers, and Visitors
2150 - Performing Arts within the Community.pdf
2200 - Accessibility Standard for Information and Communication.pdf
2205 - Web Page Guidelines.pdf
2210 - Clear Print Guidelines.pdf
2215 - Social Media Guidelines.pdf
3000 Series - Fiscal Management
3000 - Accounting for School Generated Funds.pdf
3001 - Fundraising and Parent Councils.pdf
3002 - School Fees and Fundraising.pdf
3010 - Budget Instructional Equipment and Supplies.pdf
3015 - Capital Projects Approval.pdf
3020 - Expense Claims - Travel, Mileage and Reimbursements.pdf
3021 - Car and Cell Allowances.pdf
3025 - Catering by CPRSS Food Services.pdf
3030 - CPRSS Shop Projects.pdf
3035 - Disposal of Equipment and Materials.pdf
3040 - Facsimile Signatures.pdf
3045 - First Nations Band-Education Authority Non-Resident Tuition Fees.pdf
3060 - Purchasing Authority.pdf
3065 - Reimbursement of Costs for Ambulance and Personal Effects.pdf
4000 Series - Program and Instruction
4005 - Advanced Placement Program.pdf
4010 - Assessment and Reporting of Student Learning and Achievement.pdf
4020 - Conclusion of Classes in June.pdf
4030 - Expansion of Band Program.pdf
4035 - Evaluation of Instructional Programs and Services.pdf
4045 - Grades 9-12 Physical Education Credits.pdf
4055 - Instructional Programs of Agencies Outside the School Division.pdf
4060 - Kindergarten Enrollment.pdf
4065 - Literacy Development of Students K-12.pdf
4080 - Numeracy Development of Students K-12.pdf
4085 - Off-Site Programs and Activities.pdf
4090 - Out of Class Physical Education Approval Process.pdf
4100 - Student Safety Patrols.pdf
4105 - Work Experience Programs.pdf
4505 - Administering Medications to Students.pdf
4510 - Appropriate Educational Programming and Inclusion.pdf
4515 - Blood Borne Infections Handling Bodily Fluids.pdf
4520 - Reporting of Child Protection and Child Abuse.pdf
4525 - Children with Known Risk of Anaphylaxis Life Threatening Allergies.pdf
4540 - Prevention of Communicable Disease Infection Transmission.pdf
4550 - Use of Certified Service Dogs in Brandon School Division.pdf
4555 - Unified Referral and Intake System (URIS).pdf
4565 - Standards for Seclusion and Restraint in Schools.pdf
5000 Series - Human Resources
5002 - Accessibility Standard for Customer Service
5003 - Accessibility Standard for Employment
5010 - Placement of Permanent Professional Staff.pdf
5015 - Assignment of Principals and Vice Principals.pdf
5020 - Collective Bargaining - Employee Participation.pdf
5025 - Confidential Information.pdf
5030 - Criminal Record Check, Child Abuse Registry Check and Respect in School/Sport.pdf
5035 - Progressive Discipline.pdf
5040 - Employee Long Service Recognition.pdf
5045 - Employment of Non-Certified Vocational Teachers.pdf
5050 - Employment of Professional Staff.pdf
5055 - Employment of Principals and Vice Principals.pdf
5056 - Employment of Support Staff.pdf
5060 - Employment Requirements - Custodial and Maintenance.pdf
5065 - Employment Requirements - School Bus Drivers.pdf
5070 - Evaluation of Professional Staff.pdf
5075 - Evaluation of School Leaders.pdf
5095 - Leaves and Absences - Permanent Support Staff.pdf
5100 - Leaves and Absences - Professional Staff.pdf
5105 - Leaves and Absences - Senior Administration.pdf
5110 - Professional Staff - Group RRSP.pdf
5113 - Reasonable Accommodation.pdf
5115 - Recruitment of Employees.pdf
5120 - Reduction in Workforce.pdf
5125 - Reporting Guidelines for Support Staff.pdf
5130 - Respectful Workplace.pdf
5135 - Supervision of Co-curricular Activities.pdf
5140 - Work Hours - Summer.pdf
5150 - Workplace Safety and Health.pdf
5155 - Workplace Safety and Health - Contractors.pdf
5160 - Workplace Safety and Health - Duties and Responsibilities for Safety and Health.pdf
5165 - Workplace Safety and Health - Inspections.pdf
5175 - Workplace Violence Prevention.pdf
5180 - Working Alone and In Isolation.pdf
6000 Series - Students
6005 - Admission of International Students.pdf
6010 - Admission of Non-Resident Students.pdf
6020 - Assignment to Schools.pdf
6030 - Interviewing Students in School.pdf
6035 - Non-School Sponsored Student Groups Use of Schools.pdf
6040 - Registration of Students.pdf
6045 - Searches, Inspections, Screening and Seizure.pdf
6055 - Student Presence and Engagement.pdf
6060 - Student Awards and Divisional Recognition of Student Achievement.pdf
7000 Series - Facilities
7005 - School Facility Hours of Operation.pdf
7015 - Emergency Use of Schools.pdf
7025 - Joint Use of Community Facilities.pdf
7030 - Land or Financial Consideration Requirements for Municipal Subdivision Applications.pdf
7035 - Naming and Renaming of Division Facilities.pdf
7055 - Public Advertising on School Property.pdf
7060 - The National Flag of Canada.pdf
7070 - Staff Access Cards-Keys.pdf
7075 - Traffic Control Signage.pdf
7080 - Use of Equipment in Schools by Outside Organizations.pdf
8000 Series - Transportation
8005 - Accidents Involving School Buses.pdf
8010 - Alternate Transportation.pdf
8015 - Cancellation of School Bus Service.pdf
8020 - Emergency Use of School Buses.pdf
8025 - Inner-City Transportation Services.pdf
8030 - Payment in Lieu of Transportation.pdf
8045 - School Bus Loading and Unloading.pdf
8050 - School Bus Maintenance and Inspection.pdf
8055 - School Bus Pickup Points.pdf
8065 - School Bus Stoppage at Railway Crossings.pdf
8070 - Student Conduct on School Buses.pdf
8075 - Student Transportation Safety.pdf
8080 - Transportation Eligibility.pdf
8085 - Transportation of Rural Students for Industrial Arts and Home Economics Classes.pdf
8090 - Transportation of Students Attending Private Schools.pdf
8095 - Transportation of Students From Other Divisions-Districts.pdf
8100 - Transportation to Other Than Designated Schools.pdf
8105 - Unauthorized Passengers.pdf
Administrative Procedures Forms
1005Fa -Community Service Participation.pdf
1005Fb -Community Service Student-Initiated Project (CSSIP) Parent Guardian Approval.pdf
1005Fc -Community Service Student-Initiated Project (CSSIP) School Approval.pdf
1005Fd -Community Service Tracking Form.pdf
1015Fa - Research Application.pdf
1055F - Reporting Suspected Wrongdoing Form.pdf
2035F - External and Internal Student Media Release Form.pdf
2035N - External and Internal Media Coverage (General) Notice to Parents.pdf
2055F - Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Student Acceptable Use Agreement.pdf
2125Fa - Social Media and Third Party Educational Application Consent Form.pdf
5113F - Reasonable Accommodation Request Form.pdf
6005F - International Students - Application for Acceptance.pdf
NOTE: For accessibility purposes, all Brandon School Division publications are available in alternative formats upon request. Email for more details. Should you have any difficulty accessing any of these documents, please email: .